Charity, volunteering, helping those in need
Developed country
The term developed country is used to describe countries that have a high level of development according to certain criteria. E.g. income per capita; countries with high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita would thus be described as developed countries. Another economic criterion is industrialization. More recently another measure, the Human Development Index (HDI), which combines an economic measure, national income, with other measures, indices for life expectancy and education has become prominent.
2010 UNDP Human Development Report
The Human Development Index (HDI)
is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.
Very high 42 countries - the CR rank 22
High 43 countries
Medium 42 countries
Low 42 countries
Developing country
is a term generally used to describe a nation with a low level of material well-being. Since no single definition of the term developing country is recognized internationally, the levels of development may vary widely within so-called developing countries. Some developing countries have high average standards of living.
What Is the Definition of Charity?
The word "charity" comes from the Latin "caritas," meaning "costliness, esteem, affection." Early Christians used "caritas" as a Latin translation of the Greek term "agape," which described a universal non-sexual love for other people. Current usage of "charity" typically implies an action in assistance of someone needing help.
It also often refers to the act of giving money, time or resources to others without expecting reciprocation.
In philosophy, the "principle of charity" refers to temporarily setting aside one's beliefs in order to consider an opposing argument as if it were true
Main objectives:
the relief of poverty;
the advancement of education;
the advancement of religion;
other purposes beneficial to the community
A recipient of charity not only receives assistance with a financial or physical hardship, but also a confirmation of his or her worth and the assurance that everyone deserves kindness.
Likewise, charity can help the self-esteem of the giver, who may feel more connected to the community or take comfort in his or her ability to help the less fortunate.
Definition of Volunteer Service
Volunteer service is any type of work that is done free of charge. Volunteer service can be informal, like raking your elderly neighbor's lawn. Volunteer service can also be formal such as volunteering for nonprofits, churches, schools, homeless shelters, youth groups, and senior centers.
There are countless types of volunteer service. Some people volunteer their professional services, e.g. pro bono lawyers.
Other types of volunteer service includes service for the government, such as the Peace Corps.
Some people may volunteer at their local nonprofit organisations and get training on whatever services the organization needs.
A nonprofit organisation
/ a non-governmental organisation
A nonprofit organization (abbreviated as NPO, also known as a not-for-profit organization) is an organization which uses funds to help pursue its goals. Examples of NPOs include charities (i.e., charitable organizations), trade unions, trade associations and public arts organizations.
A NGO - A non-governmental organization (NGO) is basically a legally constituted organization which is operated by legal persons who act independently from any government.
NGO world organisations:
Advocacy Groups for Human Rights and Civil Liberties - AmnestyInternational, HumanRightsWatch
Animal Rights - RSPCA, ASPCA
Land Conservation and the Environment - Greenpeace
Health: Research, and Education – UNICEF
is selfless concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.
Global Issues
- A global issue is a broad description that is often used to explain matters of great social concern that affect human populations locally and that are shared among diverse human societies within our global community.
- GI include: Poverty, Slums, Child Soldiers, Water Stress, Early Marriages, AIDS, Gender, Illiteracy, Fair Trade, Climate Change, Malaria and Human Trafficking, Child labour etc.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways we can use the power of less to restore balance.
Drive less, walk more. Not only will you be saving the environment, you’ll be saving your heart as well.
Want less, appreciate more. Instead of wanting a big home you can’t afford, maybe you should settle for living in smaller home in a less expensive area. Enjoy your space more. By spending less money on mortgage, you’ll be saving more time. Time is life.
Talk less, listen more. We spend most of our time listening formulating our response. You’d be amazed how much people never really hear each other at all. Think about how your life can be improved by understanding people better. You’ll probably avoid a lot of unnecessary drama due to misunderstandings.
Buy things that are more expensive, but last longer. A double edged razor will last a lot longer than disposable razors. You’ll save money too. Use real dishes instead of plastic/paper. It may seem like a little more work to wash them, but it really isn’t. It takes more energy to mine that plastic, manufacture, package, distribute and purchase then it does to wash a dish. Rethink convenience.!
Spend more time being mindful. The more mindful we are, the more we’ll save. We often waste a lot of time rushing around, trying to do too many things at once. We try to print a report, make coffee, and talk on the phone at the same time. Doing this we run the risk of printing the wrong pages, accidentally forgetting the coffee filter and saying the wrong thing. We spend more time correcting ourselves than we would save simply being mindful.
Less things. The more things we buy, the more resources we take from the planet. The more we consume, the larger that debt becomes. Buying new clothes, appliances or phones isn’t really a bad thing. It’s our addiction to buy the newest and greatest each year or every few months that is dangerous. After all, that old thing has to go somewhere.
Where do you think the old used things go?!
Being aware of what is going on in the world gives us the chance to step up and give a helping hand. Don´t be an onlooker, take part in righting the world.